News and Opinions
Price adjustment for German Language Course (GLC) in January 2021
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
We wish to inform our parents and students that the German Language Course (GLC) course price will increase in January 2021. This price increase is in keeping with the rise of operating[...]
Malay Class for Expats
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
WE ARE BACK! This is our final intake for 2020. Call 017 451 3055 to find out more.

Malay Class for Expats
Monday, 20 July 2020
Closing date: 14th August 2020 Back by popular demand, we're offering Malay classes by Dr. Nur. To register,kindly email or whatsapp 017-4513055.

Farewell Tour - German Ambassador and Patron of MGS visits
Friday, 3 July 2020
Nikolaus Graf Lambsdorff has recently retired as German Ambassador and patron of our society and visited the MGS on his farewell tour in Penang together with his wife. Good news: we might[...]

MGS Oktoberfest 2020 - cancelled
Tuesday, 30 June 2020
In light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s Oktoberfest. We have done this with our members and visitors in mind, with your health[...]

Update - Back to regular hours
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
Update on 20.07.20 We have resumed regular operating hours - 10am to 7pm. ---- New operating hours – 10am to 6pm Dear MGS friends, We will be reopening, with new[...]

GLC July Intake 2020 - Open for registrations
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
We're now open for registrations. To register --> If you’re coming to visit us, please take note of the following: 1. Operating hours during CMCO: 10am - 6pm. Closed for lunch[...]

We are reopening 18 May 2020
Friday, 15 May 2020
New operating hours – 10am to 6pm Dear MGS friends, We will be reopening, with new operating hours from 18 May 2020. We have implemented new safety precautions in line with the[...]
Cancelled - MaiBall 2020
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
We're sad to announce, our MaiBall has been cancelled this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The health and well-being of our ball supporters are our top priority. For those of you who[...]

Announcement on office closure due to Covid-19
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
*updated on 24.04 We will be closed from the 18 March till 12 May 2020 in-line with the latest government‘s directive on Covid-19. You can still reach us at or if[...]